Energy Storage Technology Team had welcomed Colonel Pipat Nilkaew, the Director of the Military Battery Factory, and his entourage

On November 24, 2020, the National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC) had welcomed Colonel Pipat Nilkaew, the Director of the Military Battery Factory, and his entourage from the Defence Industry Department. On this occasion, Dr. Sumittra charojrochkul, the Director of Energy Innovation Research Group, Dr. Pimpa Limthongkul, Principal Researcher of Energy Storage Technology Research Team, and the researchers had presented the role and responsibilities of ENTEC and the research results.

In the event, Dr. Pimpa Limthongkul had also presented the research and development of modern batteries pack, and the Colonel and his entourage had visited the battery standards testing center of Electrical and Electronic Products Testing Center (PTEC), the laboratories, the battery assembly, and the installation of cells with batteries.