ENTEC focuses on building and transferring high-quality energy technology knowledge to stakeholders, to create tangible socio-economic impact. ENTEC’s mission supports governmental policy to strengthen industry and national energy security, and is in line with Sustainable Development Goals 7 (SDG7), Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP2015), Strategic Plan to Move Thailand Forward with BCG Economy, and the 6th NSTDA Strategic Plan (2017-2021).

ENTEC’s operational guidelines focus on works related to the following 4 aspects:

1. Excellence – carrying out works with expertise and professionalism to achieve high-quality outputs.
2. Relevance – complying with National Strategic Plan and the needs of target users.
3. Impact – creating an economic impact, improving the quality of life and enhancing the country’s competitiveness through research, development and engineering.

4. Visibility – building trust and confidence in quality and expertise at national, regional and international levels.

Working Guidelines

ENTEC has systematically developed working mechanisms through Technology/Research S-curves as an assisting tool for research management, resource allocation, and work planning.

In the first five years, ENTEC will focus on 5 areas of research and development on energy technology as follows.

1. Renewable Energy

Develop and promote the commercial use of renewable energy technology suitable for usage in tropical regions, implement the life cycle management of renewable energy system according to the circular economy and sustainable development guidelines and support the development of industrial sector. At the first stage, ENTEC focuses on energy utilization from 2 major sources, namely solar energy and biomass energy. (1) Solar Energy: Development of solar cell technology for specific use to support local innovation and investment opportunity and development of reuse and recycling technology for discarded solar panels to promote systematic solar panels management (2) Biomass energy: Development of renewable energy and biofuel technology for biodiesel production from biomass such as oil palm to support the use of biodiesel in transportation sector and increase the usage ratio of biodiesel in Thailand which can be considered as agricultural product price insurance and integration of effective renewable energy usage. Hydrogen production from ethanol and biogas for future fuel cell electric vehicle.

2. Energy Storage System

Promote and develop technology for energy storage system to support the automotive industry (transportation sector). Support electric vehicle sector’s and stationary power grid’s policy to increase local industries competitiveness in the world market. Participate in the drive for energy change towards clean energy and carbon-free society. Research work focus on network cooperation, from knowledge building to practical use in industry, in area such as high energy density storage materials and systems for Lithium ion batteries. 

3. Conventional Energy

Promote and develop high efficiency and environmental friendly fossil fuel energy technology, works with partners to maintain and strengthen the research and development capacity in conventional energy such as catalysts development for pollutants elimination and improve the quality of diesel fuel, green chemistry for hazardous substances removal from gas and oil production, selective absorbents development for carbon dioxide removal from liquefied natural gas, improvement of byproducts from coal-fired power plants, PM2.5 reduction, which is one of the hottest environmental issues.

4. System Integration and Energy Management

Focus on design and modelling of controlling system and energy data management to ensure smooth handling and flexible management of renewable energy. Research work focuses on integration of renewable energy systems, conventional energy sources and energy storage, design and modelling of the controlling systems and acquisition of energy data, including the analysis and synthesis of energy data and information for effective and systematic energy management.


Carry out research and development activities to enhance the energy efficiency in all sectors such as, the reduction of energy intensity and greenhouse gas in Thailand (Thailand National Determined Contribution, NDC). Past work focused on supporting transportation sector and evaluation of co-benefits between renewable energy and energy efficiency. Facilitate the implementation of research work and innovation through collaboration with alliance networks, both industrial and governmental, such as Thailand Energy Storage Technology Association (TESTA), ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE). Join Hydrogen Thailand Group for resource integration and allocation to help achieved all work targets as committed.